Teens smiling at the camera

Full general Physical Changes Adolescents Experience

Although some of the physical changes that happen during adolescence are internal and not visible, others can be seen easily by others. These obvious changes in the body tin can bear on how adults and peers of both sexes view and treat young people.

The changes that occur both inside and outside the body during adolescence happen through a process called "puberty." This process stems from the release of sure hormones (chemicals) in the brain. These hormones released are the same in all adolescents, but differences in hormone levels pb to different results in males and females. The physical changes in adolescents shift them from their childhood bodies to their adult bodies and give them the ability to become pregnant or crusade pregnancy. This ability to become meaning or cause pregnancy is chosen "fertility."

Anyone who looks at an adolescent male and female side by side will meet some clear differences. All the same, adolescents of both sexes exhibit many changes in common, most notably, growth spurts in height and weight. During these growth spurts, bones and muscles become longer and stronger, which allows adolescents to accept on tasks they were likely not able to exercise as younger children, such as lifting heavy objects and walking, running, or biking long distances. Many young people will reach their full adult elevation by the end of puberty. Across the growth spurts, other physical changes that happen in both males and females include body odor, acne, and more body hair.

As noted above, many of the physical changes in adolescence are related to fertility. Some adolescents may exist embarrassed past these changes at kickoff, but they demand to know that they happen to everyone. Consider this short list: